Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Beta and the wedding!

I went in today for my second beta. I am 19 dpo, and my beta number was 1,604!
WOW! I am pregnant! I have a really hard time saying that out loud! I am just amazed!

My brother's wedding this weekend was amazing! It was absolutely perfect! I think it was the wedding they dreamed of :) I was tired, but feeling pretty good the whole weekend. After all the festivities and after we got my brother off on his honeymoon, the Mr. and I told my parents. I really wanted to tell them in person, and the next time I will see them will be in March. Plus it is nice to know that they are praying for a healthy baby along with us!

They were so excited! We went out to dinner to celebrate!

I am feeling pretty good. I am still getting tired in the afternoons, but it actually isn't as bad as it has been. My lower back aches and every once in a while I will get twinges in my abdomen. Fine with me! That just reminds me that there is something going on!!


  1. Yay for a good weekend and for even better news! What a great beta number...congrats again!

  2. That's awesome! I'm so glad you got to celebrate with your parents. :-)

  3. Very exciting! Congrats and I hope it is all smooth sailing from here!!!

  4. wow, that is a great beta! so glad the wedding was fun :)

  5. Congratulations! It's wonderful that you were able to share with your parents!


  6. Congrats, to you and your brother!

  7. Congratulations! How wonderful that your parents are so excited for you!

    Here's to a happy, healthy pregnancy!


  8. That's one awesome beta number! I hope everything is going smoothly with your pregnancy so far. So exciting!!

  9. What a great weekend for you - a beautiful wedding and a pregnancy! Congratulations!

    (Happy ICLW as well!!!)
