Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Holy Cow!

I just got a call back about my appointment this morning...
Beta # 3 is 14,037! I am 26 dpo.
And my progesterone is still really good (I didn't get that number).
I was praying for at least 6,000 - I am blown away! Now I am worried that it is way too high! I even asked the nurse if that was too high. She said nope, it's a good thing. She said it is perfectly normal to worry, but that these numbers are good. So.... I will try not to stress over it! Hey - maybe there is more than one in there :)

I have my ultrasound appointment scheduled for next Tuesday!! I am sooo excited!


  1. Woo hoo!!! Nothing better in the world than a great beta!! Congrats congrats congrats :-)

    Visiting from ICLW Week, and am following you now. Looking forward to getting to know ya!

  2. Yay for a great number! Isn't is so hard to wait for that first scan...hang in there and good luck!

  3. Wow, congrats! That def is a high number!

  4. Wow!!! That's a GREAT number! I know that you can hardly wait til Tuesday! :)

  5. Awesome!! I'm so glad that things are going so well!!

  6. Yay!! When will you know if you are having twins??

  7. By the way - have you ever gone to babymed.com? They have an HCG calculator with a nice graph. I plugged in your numbers and it tracked right along with the appropriate rise for a singleton pregnancy... but it was just a *bit* above the range for a singleton so either you have an overacheiver or could be a crowd in there :) But either way the rise is perfect - definitely not too high.

  8. Wooohooo...congrats on your pregnancy and on those wonderful betas!


  9. congratulations on your high numbers!!!!!!
    ICLW hugs!!!

  10. Yay!!!!!!!! Congrats! Great numbers!

  11. What a great number! I can't wait to hear how your u/s goes!



  12. I am way behind the times, but congrats on this awesome beta! Hope you're feeling well :) (or not!! haha!! bring on morning sickness!!)

  13. Wow... thats awesome!! Can there be more than one in there?? Congrats!
