Saturday, October 10, 2009

Let the glory be revealed

"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." (1 Peter 4:12-13)

I found this verse a couple nights ago when I was doing my bible study. It really spoke to me. I can't WAIT to see God's glory revealed through my infertility. I am praying that it is sooner than later!

I am still flip-flopping on whether this cycle worked or not. But I am still very peaceful about everything. I really feel as though I have done everything I can and I have given the rest to God.

So, I was having tons of cramping/bloating right after ovulation. Now my boobs are very sore, and the bloating has gone away. I am still having twinges every now and then. I feel pressure in my abdomen, but no longer feel "fat". And I am exhausted! I am 7dpo, which is still early, but yesterday and today by 4:00 I feel like I could go to sleep for the night! I hope this is a good sign! I am mainly listing all my symptoms for my info in the future :)

I am debating whether I want to test early or not. I haven't let myself go buy pregnancy tests, so that way I test! I would rather not see a BFN.... maybe I'll just let the doctor tell me for sure next Thursday.


  1. Praying for you! I hope you see that BFP soon!

  2. I know you'll hate hearing this (and I'll probably need you to remind me of this in the next week or two) but you shouldn't test early. It'll just make you question the results. I know its awful. I am praying for His glory to be revealed sooner rather than later.
