Thursday, October 1, 2009

Still waiting

First off - my appointment. I was sooo worried because I was feeling very "full" so I thought I may have over stimulated. The nurse did the ultrasound and saw a few follicles. The doctor came in too, so I had both of them reviewing it. I was thinking that none of them were big enough, but what do I know! I forgot all of the numbers by now, but it was like 3 at 15mm, and a couple more that were smaller. The doctor said that he would have to look at my bloodwork to see if this cycle is a go. As I have said before, he is very conservative and doesn't really like to have multiples (which I think is like most doctors). He did ask me straight up how I felt about twins. I told him I am fine with twins, but anything over that scares me! As long as they are healthy! So, again I'm waiting on the phone call telling me what to do next. I am praying so hard that I can trigger and this cycle is good to go! And I am on my knees asking God that this cycle work and we get our healthy baby!

On another note - I came across this verse last night:

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." (Matthew 7:7-8)

It is easy to read this and think - okay I asked for a child, now I should get one. I really started praying over this last night. I always include, "if it is in Your will". I truly only want what is in God's will.

I heard somewhere - God answers all prayers. It is either yes, not right now, or let me show you another way. I love that! I feel very peaceful about all that the Mr. and I are going through and I know it is because I have given God all of my worry. If this cycle wasn't ment to be, I just have to trust that God is in control. Easier said than done, I know.

If any of you have some extra time - throw a few prayers my way! I am really praying that this is THE cycle!


  1. It's a way conservative for the doctor to consider canceling a cycle with 3 mature follicles. I had 3 mature follicles on Clomid this past cycle, but my doctor usually cancels anything over 4.

    Thanks for sharing that verse. It's always a good reminder, too, that things will only happen in the way God planned them. Thanks for that reminder.

  2. What an inspiring attitude you have! I love that verse. Praying that you see your BFP soon!

    P.S. I gave you an award on my blog!

  3. Aww!!! Thank you Courtney! I've never gotten an award on a blog before! :)
